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About Me

_Nick Barcelona
Born March 6th
Corona/Long Beach/Los Angeles, CA
Med Student
In Pursuit of the Kawawa Mastermind
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I got my dad's old Nikon FM and things started from there. I am currently very focused on school and such. Trying to be a triple major and finish the kessel run in less than ten parsecs. I enjoy looking for interesting compositions and getting inspired by everything. For my free time I enjoy reading and getting lost. I shoot both film and digital. I currently have a very extensive wishlist for thing I want to get within the next year. I am using Nikon equipment and I have the necessary studio equipment and modifiers to make magic happen. I have been a assistant/2nd shooter to a handful of professional photographers. "Never stop learning. Always get better." I am  -The Itinerant Lifestyler-Undisputed Mastermind-Loveable Loser-Sincere Asthmatic-Fob Chaser-Bowtie Aficionado-Eczema Enthusiast-Ambidextrous Insomniac-Obese Wanderer-Nefarious Visionary

Some FAQ.
Tell me about yourself.
-I'm Nick Barcelona. I've gone by BickNarcelona, Nefan Barquelle, and now Slick Fury. Nothing really awesome to say about myself. I like to take pictures and study.   
What got you into photography? -Mostly my dad. He passed away when I was 4, but I remember he always had a camera and he took amazing pictures for many agencies. If my pictures are half as good as his I would be wholesome. This is also the primary reason why I shoot Nikon. It's a legacy thing. 
What is your style/method?-This question is difficult to answer. I don't have a particular style. Most of my shoots are really on the fly and are quick. I don't wanna waste time.   
How can I book you? -Easiest way is to shoot me an email or contact me via telephone.    
What gear do you use? -I usually just use a Nikon with Nikon lenses. I tend to rent gear for weddings and such because I need a full frame. I'm not going to list everything here. Gear shouldn't matter and it doesn't define a person. 
Do you have a MUA?-Unfortunately no. I don't have a regular MUA anymore, I just want to find someone I can trust.   
Are there certain people you want to work with?-You have no idea.   
Favorite TV Show?-With so many great TV shows out there and so little time, I would have to go with Doctor Who. I mean time-space travelling, cute companions, British humor, and nonsense, who couldn't resist? For everything else, The Simpsons always gets the ball.  
Favorite Movie?-Jurassic Park. If you have anything negative to say about it, I don't think we can be friends.